In vitro vs in vivo; the path to a
In medical
research there are two ways to test the effectiveness of a treatment: one is in
the test tube = in vitro; the other is in the body -= in vivo.
In the case of
looking for an agent that can kill or even mitigate a virus, one first has to
be able to artificially grow that virus outside the body in what is known as a
cell culture. There are a number of strains of cells that grow well in special
‘test tubes’ (they are really flat plastic vials). When a virus is added to the
cell culture it uses those cells to reproduce. That process can be viewed under
a microscope. Using these infected cells, scientists can then add solutions
containing drugs that they hope can kill the virus. All in all, this is a very
fast way to screen for drugs that might show promise.
The next step is in vivo testing. Hopefully there is a
non-human, animal substitute that the scientists can infect with the virus and
then administer the drug to see if it kills (or at least mitigates) the virus.
If the drug in question doesn’t actually kill the virus, but
say stops it from attaching to the target cell, they in vivo testing is the
only way to go, since the cells used to culture any virus are not usually the
actual target organ in the human body. Here animals are infected, then treated
and their organs examined (usually after euthanasia) to see if the virus had
entered the target organ or was stopped by the drug. Such procedures take
longer to perform, so the experiment proceeds more slowly.
To be approved and marketed, any drug must be proven to be
BOTH safe and effective. Safe = it has no severe side effects or at least
acceptable side effects compared to the actual disease it is attacking.
Effective means that it changes the outcome for the better if not actually
curing the disease or in this case killing the virus.
Even when a
drug seems to work well in a test tube or an animal model, one can never be
sure that it will be effective in humans. But before it can be tested as a
‘cure’ in humans it has to be shown to be safe. This is most often done by
paying people to take the drug and testing to see if it has any unexpected
adverse effects. Infection with the virus is not used here, only the pure drug.
This is where time can be saved if the drug under evaluation is already on the
market. New candidate drugs consume a lot of time in this is-it-safe? step.
Next comes
trying the drug in humans to see if it is effective. In some cases – although
rarely – human volunteers can be infected with the actual disease or a similar
less severe version and then treated to see if the drug does what the
scientists hope it will do. In situations where the disease is too severe or
risky to artificially infect humans (even volunteers), the drug is often tested
under what is known as ’compassionate circumstances’. Humans with the disease
who are close to dying are offered the (unproven) treatment in the hope that it
will prolong their life. Even if the patient succumbs to the disease,
scientists can often learn useful information from examining their organs.
When a new (known as novel) virus erupts on to the scene,
scientists across the world attempt to find the items needed to do this
stepwise progression to find a cure. Is the cell culture that I am familiar
with and use daily in my lab, able to support this new virus? Is there a drug
that I am familiar with that might be effective in treating it? Can people be
recruited to test this treatment? Here is where modern technology of the
internet comes into play. Isolated researchers can quickly report minor
successes to others across the world. They can recruit other scientists to try
to repeat any successes they might have had. The suggestion of the success with
one drug might induce others to try similar drugs in hopes of improving the
chances of success. Sharing information of successes and even failures via the
internet can assist in speeding up the entire process even by steering others
away from blind alleys (failed drugs).
vaccines is a similar tedious and arduous progression of small steps. In the
history of vaccines, many different paths have led to success. Cowpox was
substituted for smallpox and proved effective in the 18th century. Polio was
conquered first with a concoction of the actual virus that had been killed.
This was the injected Salk vaccine. Some decades later Sabin developed a less
potent strain of the virus (attenuated) that is administered live via the sugar
cube. With the advent of genetic engineering, vaccines are being developed by
inserting small (but important and unique) portions of the new virus’s genetic
material into a harmless virus and using it as a carrier to invoke immunity in the
patient. Here again, proving a candidate vaccine to be both safe and effective,
much less the arduous science of inserting genetic material into another agent,
is a time consuming process. HIV has been around since the 1970s and there is
still not a safe and effective vaccine; but not for lack of effort.
Right now, there is no safe and effective treatment (drug)
nor a vaccine for the COVID-19 corona virus. Hospitalization is purely for
isolation and supportive treatment of the symptoms like intubation and
respiratory assistance for those with severe lung infections.